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Monday, 28 December 2009
Sunday, 27 December 2009
LG crystal
Author: mykoreanstudies
Apa Handphone yang paling nge-trend Sekarang? Blackberry? iPhone? Corby? Kalau saya melihat-lihat iklan di Korean, rata-rata iklan handphone sekarang menawarkan fasilitas di dunia mobile. Mulai Twitter, YM dan yang wajib ada Facebook. Handphone China sampai handphone rakitan Indonesia ramai-ramai menjajakan bentukan keypad Qwerty dan Facboook mobile. Tidak bisa dipungkiri, pengaruh ini dibawa oleh Blackberry yang dipopulerkan artis-artis dikala syuting sinetron. Dibungkus lapisan silicon warna-warni menarik hati, ramai-ramailah orang Indonesia –terutama wanita- mendambakan handphone ini. Juga merupakan Prestige saat anda mobile facebook-ing. Di status facebook terbaru anda saat meng-update akan tertera “………-via facebook for blackberry” atau “………-via facebook for iPhone”.
Tapi itu di Indonesia. Kalau di dunia? Atau Korea? Hmm.. LG crystal?
LG adalah perusahaan saingan Samsung yang juga sama-sama milik Korea yang juga mendedikasikan dirinya untuk menjadi brand handphone terbesar kedua di dunia. DUlu saya sudah pernah membahas Samsung yang sukses menjadi merek favorit di Chile, dam LG pun tak mau ketinggalan oleh saingannya ini.
LG sudah pernah sukses dalam usahanya mengusung handphone Black label; LG Chocolate dan juga LG Shine. Tak ketinggalan, LG juga bekerja sama dengan PRADA dan melahirkan LG Prada yang digilai dan sangat diidamkan wanita apalagi fashionholic yang ingin menjadikan LG Prada sebagai fashion statementnya.
Saya pertama kali mengetahui Luanching LG crystal yang mengusung slogan “World’s first TRANSPARENT phone” ini saat melihat di Blog follow saya di Bigbang fansite. Bigbang memang termasuk brand ambassador untuk LG. Bahkan mereka juga menyanyikan Soundtrack khusus LG Lollipop. Saya semakin jatuh cinta dengan LG Crystal begitu melihat official review handphone ini.
Dengan kondisi Korea yang rata-rata handphone zaman sekarangnya berbasis touchscreen, LG semakin menguatkan di Full gesture systemnya. Kalau di Indonesia yang popular adalah LG Cookie yang selalu dikomparasikan dengan Samsung Star.
LG crystal didesain untuk fashion-phone tapi juga didukung dengan performa IT yang dahsyaaat! Jika saya melihat perbandingan LG Cookie yang dibandingkan dengan Star masih lebih kuat performanya, saya percaya LG tidak hanya mengandalkan “tampangnya” saja.
Crystal disejajarkan dengan LG Arena dan LG viewty. Yang kedua pendahulunya ini termasuk sebagai best phone of LG. Walaupun termasuk ponsel full touch, Crytal berbentuk Sliding. Nah, Sliding belakangnya inilah yang transparan, LG menjulukinya Tempered Glass. Saat sliding keypadnya tak dibuka, HP ini terlihat nyaris sama dengan LG Arena dan viewty. Keypad ini jika diraba (dilihat pun kelihatan) hanya seperti kotak biasa yang tombolnya tidak timbul. Keypad ini touch-sensitive dan bisa digunakan untuk mengoperasikan semua control handphone. Keypad terlihat mewah namun simple dan lampu putihnya juga fleksibel untuk terlihat dimana-mana walaupun transparan. Hal ini dikarenakan pemilihan gradasi warna lampu yang bisa terlihat di media hitam, warna-warni atau putih sekalipun.
Handphone yang dibandrol Rp 8.000.000,00 jika dikurskan dengan mata uang kita in, memiliki gesture shortcut yang bisa dilakukan di keypad ajaibnya. Kalau misalnya di Handphone non-touchscreen pada umumnya adalah tombol kanan,atas,kiri,atau bawah (dan setahu saya di Star maupun Cookie belum ada kemampuan shortcut-ing) Crystal bisa shortcut dengan bentuk. Mau Kotak, hati, Lingkarang, Huruf sesuai imajinasi anda. Begitu pula dengan speed-dialing telepon yang biasanya hanya bisa jika menekan-lama suatu nomor di keypad. Sekarang anda nisa menelepon orang tersayang anda hanya dengan “menggambar” bentuk hati di keypad transparannya. Atau, anda ingin bentuk yang lain, tentu saja, bisa.
Fasilitas lain seperti various widget item dan juga LED effect seperti LG Lollipop juga termasuk fitur yang ditawarkan handphone ini. Anda termasuk “banci Kamera”? Kamera 3,0 MPixel tentu sudah memuaskan anda untuk mengabadikan momen anda. Yang unik, untuk zooming anda perlu meletakkan ibu jari dan telunjuk anda di keypad transparan dan menggerakkannya melebar atau menyempit. Salah satu fitur wajib ponsel Korea adalah TDMB. Dimana anda bisa menonton acara TV kesayangan anda di mana saja (sementara ini hanya ponsel cina yang popular mengusung fitur ini di Indonesia). Ponsel fashion ini juga mendukung anda untuk menonton film format DivX atau Xvid (biasanya format DVD). Anyway, apapun kecanggihan dan kelengkapan fitur yang dibawanya, Ponsel ini yang paling membuatnya special adalah YOU CAN SEE TRHOUGH ITS KEYPAD. Sebuah hal yang belum bisa anda dapatkan dari ponsel merek apapun jenis apapun selain LG crystal. Hal yang nyaris tidak mungkin, seperti melihat gigi ayam.
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Korean Films “Must Have” Scene
Author: mykoreanstudies
Category :
korean life,
soju (소주)
Orang Korea sangat suka minum-minum. Lebih lagi, itu sudah termasuk dalam budaya hidup mereka. Yang paling merepresentasikan minuman keras khas Korea adalah Soju. Jika di jepang memiliki Sake, Korea memiliki minuman putih bening seperti air ini. Jika anda biasa menonton film Korea, tentu anda sering melihat botol-botol berwarna hijau dan berlabel putih. Itulah Soju. Tapi jangan salah, juga terdapat soju yang dikemas dalam minuman kotak, layaknya teh kotak seperti yang sering kita lihat di swalayan. Jadi, anda perlu berhati-hati (bagi anda yang tidak minum minuman keras) jika membeli minuman di sebuah convenient store di Korea. Karena, kemasannya menarik dan tulisan soju (소주)nya tidak terlalu besar. Rasanya (kata teman saya) ringan seperti vodka, dan sedikit panas begitu sudah ditenggak. Ada teknik yang dibutuhkan untuk minum soju. Aturan dasar minum alcohol memang sebaiknya tidak langsung menenggak habis, tapi, soju sangatlah kuat efeknya –terutama bagi yang tidak mahir minum-, cukup segelas kecil saja sudah mampu membuat mabuk. Mengapa orang Korea suka minum? Untuk mencairkan suasana dan membuat semakin akrab. Menurut mereka, melalui kemabukan, biasanya orang akan mengatakan hal yang ada di pikiran mereka. Nah, jika dihubungkan dengan sifat orang Korea yang terbuka dan blak-blakan, tentunya hal ini tidak aneh. Mabuk dijadikan media untuk saling bertukar pikiran. Biasanya mereka minum dengan teman-teman atau bahkan pasangan mereka. Pasti ada paling tidak satu orang yang bertanggung jawab atas orang yang mabuk. MIsalnya, jika wanitanya yang mabuk, maka nantinya sang Pria yang akan terjaga untuk mengantar si wanita pulang. Bisa digendong di punggung atau nantinya naik taksi atau kendaran umum lainnya. Yang pasti, harus sampai di tempat tinggalnya. Begitu pula jika yang mabuk adalah prianya. Namun jangan salah, ada juga yang minum untuk melepaskan stress atas masalah yang menimpa di Kantor. Orang Korea tergolong sebagai masyarakat pekerja keras yang rela untuk lembur sampai malam. Nah, untuk melepaskan lelah sebelum tiba di rumah, mereka akan pergi minum dengan rekan kerjanya. Atau jika ada yang ditegur bos, mereka minum untukmengeluarkan unek-unek atau hanya sekedar melupakan kejadian tadi di kantor, paling tidak hingga keesokan paginya. Ada semacam ‘dispensasi’ bagi orang-orang mabuk jika melakukan hal yang bodoh. Jadi wajar saja jika orang Korea melihat orang yang mabuk. Salah satu dosen saya, ibu dyastiningrum yang sekarang sedang belajar di Korea lagi, pernah mengatakan pada kami murid-muridnya, jika hari senin-jumat subway biasanya beraroma bawang –karena makan korea berbahan dasar bawang- dan di akhir pekan subway akan beraroma minuman keras.
Menggendong punggung (piggyback riding)
Ciri khas korean films atau drama adalah piggyback riding. biasanya cowok yang di depan, menggendong si wanita di punggungnya. si cowok akan memegang kedua kaki wanita, dan wanitanya akan melingkarkan tangan di leher. dalam beberapa kasus, wanita bisa juga yang menggendong pria. asal prianya jangan berat banget kali ya.hehe. Biasanya dilakukan saat susah berjalan, sehabis terjatuh, saat mabuk, atau sekedar have fun. ada juga yang disebut horseback riding. biasanya ini hanya sebatas antara ayah dengan anak. karena si anak didudukkan di pundak ayahnya. jadi anaknya seperti mengepit kepala ayahnya dengan kedua kakinya.
Gangster, mafia dan adegan berkelahi
karena masih satu rumpun dengan Cina, jadi jangan terkejut kalau adegan bertarung atau ke gangster-an sangat populr di kalangan sutradara Korea. Bahkan dosen saya pernah ikut nonton film yang diputar di pekan film korea di UGM dan brkata “yah, ini bener-bener film Korea banget. ada ganster kalau nggak mafia”, begotu katanya. Memang sih, jangan bayangkan mreka bisa terbang melayang-layang ke atap rumah seperti jet lee atau jackie chan. itu terlalu berlebihan. Biasanya sih seputar antar gang, atau mafia atat hanya antar lelaki untuk merebutkan cinta sang wanita.Hujan
namanya juga negara asia. paling suka yang namanya hujan. MUlai dari India yang menari nari dibawah hujan, film CIna yang pukul-pukulan di bawah hujan, film Indonesia yang nagis dan pelukan di bawah hujan, tidak ketinggalan juga film KOrea yang wajib memasukkan hujan di list must have scene mereka. Hujan masih dianggap sebagai momen yang sentimentil dan sangat romantis. Basah, bisa mewakilkan kesenangan,air mata atau hanya sebagai penekanan atas suatu peristiwa. Bahkan BIgbang pun memasukkan kata-kata hujan di lirik lagu mereka. Salah satunya di “with U’.
I wanna rock with u
Dance with u
Do everything with u
Run around in the rain with u
Everyday now only u
Rock with u
Dance with u
Do everything with u
Run around in the rain with u
Everyday now only u….”
Cinta segitiga
Entah kenapa, bagian sedihnya harus melalui cinta segitia. Sinetron INdonesia juga sebenarnya memasukkan plot seperti ini. Tapi jadinya biasanya cinta segi banyak. hehe. Ceritanya biasanya berawal dari Dua tokoh laki-laki yang bersahabat, lalu salah satu diantara mereka jatuh cinta dengan wanita yang sama. Si wanita biasanya awalnya diacuhkan oleh tokoh utama yang sinis, tapi justru mendapatkan perhatian yang lebih dari pria yang satunya. Sayangnya seseorang yang memberi perhatian lebih ini akhirnya harus menelan pil pahit cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan. Karean si wanita sangat setia dan jatuh cinta dengan si pria berhati dingin.
Sad Part
entah kenapa, adegan tangis-tangisan ala film Korea sangat menyayat hati. Memang tidak semuanyamampu membuat saya mnangis, tapi sekalinya ada film yang membuat saya menangis, benar-benar membuat saya yterngiang-ngiang sampai di kehidupan sehari hari. Beberapa film Korea masih menggunakan kelogikaaan yang berdasarkan atas tak selamanya cerita tu happy ending. Karna nyatanya dalam kehidupan nyata, memang ada hal yang tak bisa kita dapatkan. Tapi, kalau sudah begini, saya merindukan ending cerita yang happily everafter.
pergi ke luar negeri
Film KOrea pasti ada dimana salah satu dari 3 tokoh utama yang 'menghilang' sementara dengan pergi ke Negara Lain. Mulai dari Kak Ji-Hoo di Boys before Flowers, Eun-chan Coffee Princ yang pergi belajar jadi Barista, Atau Pacar si Kim Sam-Soon. Mungkin karna biaya ke luar negeri yang murah, atau juga melambangkan orang Korea yang pantang menyerah mencari pengalaman di Luar negara Korea, yang jelas Anda dapat dengan mudah menemukan scene seperti ini.
Dulu, di awal masa-masa awal film KOrea mulai masuk di Indonesia, kebanyakan film Korea akan berakhir tentang lelaki atau wanita tokoh utama yang memiliki penyakit parah. Dulu yang paling terkenal adalah leukimia. Lupa ingatan juga termasuk penyakit 'favorit' para sutradara.
Aktor utama adalah orang yang kaya
Sebut saja, Gu Jun-Pyo (BBF), Pemilik kedai Kopi di Coffe Prince yang diperankan Gong-Yoo, Pacar si Kim Sam-soon hingga drama terbaru yang diperankan Jang Geun-Seok di You're beautiful semua tokoh utamanya adalah orang Kaya. Yang nantinya memberi kejutan-kejutan bagi si Wanita. Hmm..tidak berbeda jauh dengan sinetron Ala Indonesia ya.
Kiss scene
Kalau scene ini sebenarnya ada di film manapun sih, tapi adegan di Film Korea, sejauh yang pernah saya tonton, kebanyakan hanya light kiss saja. Jadi, terlihat cantik dantidak terlalu berlebihan seprti film amerika. Tapi, di film-film yang dilabeli rating 19 tahun ke atas, adegan Kissingnya -bahkan beberapa film memasukkan adegan hubungan badan- juga ada.
Author: mykoreanstudies
Category :
beberapa hari yang lalu, di mata kuliah komunikasi antar Budaya, dosen saya menyuruh membahas tentang orang KOrea dan agama, Dan daripada nganggur dan cuman dinikmati dosen dan saya sendiri, mending di posting aja, kan? hoho…
Korea as one of East Asian member, moreover as one of Asian country, it does believe about myths, legends or other similar stuffs. Korea has a unique blending of religion. Traditional Buddhism, Shamanism, Taoism and Confucianism from the past time, and at present Christianity gaining more popularity among Koreans. But also Islam, Hindu and even Jew reached Korea. Koreans, their religious outlook has not been conditioned by a single, exclusive faith but by a combination of indigenous beliefs and creeds imported into Korea.
Shamanism, a belief which believes in a world inhabited by spirits is probably the oldest form of Korean religious life, dating back to prehistoric times. There is a rather unorganized pantheon of literally millions of gods, spirits, and ghosts, ranging from the “god generals” who rule the different quarters of heaven to mountain spirits (sansin). This pantheon also includes gods who inhabit trees, sacred caves, and stones, as well as earth spirits, gods of households and villages, mischievous goblins, and the ghosts of persons who in many cases met violent or tragic ends. These spirits are said to have the power to influence or to change the fortunes of living men and women.
Taoism is philosophical and religious traditions and concepts. These traditions have influenced East Asia for over two thousand years and some have spread to the West. Taoist propriety and ethics emphasizes on Compassion, Moderation, Humility, Nature, Health, Longevity, Wu wei (an important concept of Taoism , that involves knowing when to act and when not to act) Liberty, Immortality. Tao originally comes from word ‘Dao’ which means unshaped and unseen, but the core of all that happened and created in this world. Tao forms as a living particle and as base of the Taoism. That explains why Taoism related on Nature. Tao is calm just like water and eternal. A human can reach an eternity if he practice the Taoism which later transform into a God to live eternally. Moreover, Tao teaches about yin and yang.
When Buddhism was originally introduced to Korea from China in 372, or about 800 years after the death of the historical Buddha, Shamanism was the indigenous religion. As it was not seen to conflict with the rites of nature worship, it was allowed to blend in with Shamanism. Thus, the mountains that were believed to be the residence of spirits in pre-Buddhist times became the sites of Buddhist temples. Shamanism three major believe in spirit is Mountain God (sansin), Toksong (the hermit/recluse) and chilsong (the seven stars), and Buddhism accepted these as well till today. As it is reflected by an existence of shrines beside Buddhist temples. The blending of Shamanism and Buddhism casually called Korean Buddhism.
Confucianism is also a big influence in Korean daily living. Most of Korean daily gesture, base of thought and activities stick on Confucianism. Confucianism is a Chinese etiquette and philosophical thought which stand on “Filial piety”. Filial piety is considered among the greatest of virtues and must be shown towards both the living and the dead (including even remote ancestors). The term “filial” (meaning “of a child”) characterizes the respect that a child, originally a son, should show to his parents. This relationship was extended by analogy to a series of five relationships :
1. Ruler to Subject
2. Father to Son
3. Husband to Wife
4. Elder Brother to Younger Brother
5. Friend to Friend (the participants in this relationship being equal to one another)
Although Christianity mostly known enter Korean soil in 1794, a decade after the return of a Korean diplomat Yi Gwang-Jeong from his visit to Beijing, actually the first Korean Christian is a Korean girl who later known as Julia Ota-a. She was taken by Konishi Yukinaga, who was one of the commanders of the Japanese invasions of Korea in the 1590s. A decade later, however, Yi Gwang-Jeong returned from Beijing carrying the world atlas and several theological books written by Matteo Ricci –a Jesuit missionary in China-. Before 1948 Pyongyang was an important Christian centre. Since Confucian influence in Northern part of Korea was not as strong in Southern part. But when communism regime establishment started in north, the Christians had to flee across the border or faced persecution.
How Christianity helps democracy in Korea
Generally, Christianity gives a positive impact in Korea growing phases. Social changing, economic success and even contributed in Korea independence from Japan colonialism. One of the most important factors why Christianity widely accepted by most of the Koreans was the identification that many Christians forged with the cause of Korean Nationalism during the Japanese Colonialism in 1905 to 1945. Moreover, many Korean Christians believe that their values have had a significant positive effect on various social relationships. Traditional Korean society was hierarchically arranged according to Confucian principles under the semi-divine emperor. Like a women social status lay under the men. Christian values also favoured the social emancipation of women and children. The church permitted the remarriage of widows (not traditionally allowed in East Asian societies). These changes were judged as favourable by many Koreans, who associated them with Christianity, and many became Christians as a result.
Are Koreans open minded with a new religion? Does harmony help the believes grow?
In my opinion Koreans are not as open minded as the Europeans. There were some historical fact that support this opinion. Ch’ondogyo, generally regarded as the first of Korea’s “new religions,” is another important religious tradition. It is a synthesis of Confucian, Buddhist, shamanistic, Daoist, and Catholic influences. established by Choe Je-u, a man of Yang-ban background who claimed to have experienced a mystic encounter with God, who told him to preach to all the world. Ch’oe was executed by the government as a heretic in 1863, but not before he had acquired a number of followers and had committed his ideas to writing. Same things was happened when the first coming of Christianity. Persecution has been shown historically to strengthen the faith of believers and increase the influence of the church. Many were martyred, the most famous was Andrew Kim Taegon who was the first Korean-born Roman Catholic Church priest, who was beheaded in 1846 at the age of 25 for his practice of a foreign religion. It is not strange, since the deeply-rooted traditional religions of Shamanism, Buddhism and Confucianism held strong for many centuries, and Christianity was challenge in such a meaningful way. Even though today Koreans as not extreme as in the past times, a new religion is not easily acceptable. They do understand that nowadays there are foreigners and live among the diversity. But they don’t directly accept such a new thing.
Korea and Indonesia general outlook depend on religion view
Korea in case that traditional religions such as Shamanism, Buddhism and Confucianism was strongly held by the peoples. However, until today the old religions essence still influence various live aspect. Shamanism and Confucianism are the vigorous one. Buddhism is inclining to the red thread for shamanism and Confucianism. Because of the strong power of the two above, even though modern people hold a modern religion like Christianity, practically the still do the old religion ritual. This is what called syncretism. It can be seen in cultural spot. Culturally, the arts still maintain major traditions: Korean pottery, Korean tea ceremony, Korean gardens, Korean flower arrangement which following the Confucian aesthetics. Also in numerous ceremonies that should be held along one’s life. The most important ceremonies of Korean Confucianism were those that celebrated the coming of age, marriage, death, as well as the anniversary of the death of the ancestors. Funerals had the greatest impact on the lives of ordinary people. Although Confucianism is no longer the ruling ideology, its influence on the contemporary Korean society is not difficult to find. Bowing twice in front of the portrait of someone dying is one of the Confucian thought.
Indonesia, a bit similar but different with the Korea. Indonesian also have the syncretisation. Javanese life is the easiest one to find. Most Javanese hold Islam as major religion, but still the old fashioned ceremonies should be held for the good opportunity and fortune coming. Indonesian also belief on spirits and magic and absence world. And dukun –the same position as mudang is exist too- still trusted by some people. But the difference is, since Indonesia major religion is Islam, sometime the government law was combined with Islam law. Actually Indonesia accept 5 different religion, but Islam rules are generated to public ruling. In example the alcohol drink should not sold freely, just because Muslims don’t drink alcohol. In general Indonesian life concept are based on Islam and eastern culture view. Respect to the older are important, but today it almost fade. It means, today that stuff is not as strong as the Korean do.
Korea as one of East Asian member, moreover as one of Asian country, it does believe about myths, legends or other similar stuffs. Korea has a unique blending of religion. Traditional Buddhism, Shamanism, Taoism and Confucianism from the past time, and at present Christianity gaining more popularity among Koreans. But also Islam, Hindu and even Jew reached Korea. Koreans, their religious outlook has not been conditioned by a single, exclusive faith but by a combination of indigenous beliefs and creeds imported into Korea.
Shamanism, a belief which believes in a world inhabited by spirits is probably the oldest form of Korean religious life, dating back to prehistoric times. There is a rather unorganized pantheon of literally millions of gods, spirits, and ghosts, ranging from the “god generals” who rule the different quarters of heaven to mountain spirits (sansin). This pantheon also includes gods who inhabit trees, sacred caves, and stones, as well as earth spirits, gods of households and villages, mischievous goblins, and the ghosts of persons who in many cases met violent or tragic ends. These spirits are said to have the power to influence or to change the fortunes of living men and women.
Taoism is philosophical and religious traditions and concepts. These traditions have influenced East Asia for over two thousand years and some have spread to the West. Taoist propriety and ethics emphasizes on Compassion, Moderation, Humility, Nature, Health, Longevity, Wu wei (an important concept of Taoism , that involves knowing when to act and when not to act) Liberty, Immortality. Tao originally comes from word ‘Dao’ which means unshaped and unseen, but the core of all that happened and created in this world. Tao forms as a living particle and as base of the Taoism. That explains why Taoism related on Nature. Tao is calm just like water and eternal. A human can reach an eternity if he practice the Taoism which later transform into a God to live eternally. Moreover, Tao teaches about yin and yang.
When Buddhism was originally introduced to Korea from China in 372, or about 800 years after the death of the historical Buddha, Shamanism was the indigenous religion. As it was not seen to conflict with the rites of nature worship, it was allowed to blend in with Shamanism. Thus, the mountains that were believed to be the residence of spirits in pre-Buddhist times became the sites of Buddhist temples. Shamanism three major believe in spirit is Mountain God (sansin), Toksong (the hermit/recluse) and chilsong (the seven stars), and Buddhism accepted these as well till today. As it is reflected by an existence of shrines beside Buddhist temples. The blending of Shamanism and Buddhism casually called Korean Buddhism.
Confucianism is also a big influence in Korean daily living. Most of Korean daily gesture, base of thought and activities stick on Confucianism. Confucianism is a Chinese etiquette and philosophical thought which stand on “Filial piety”. Filial piety is considered among the greatest of virtues and must be shown towards both the living and the dead (including even remote ancestors). The term “filial” (meaning “of a child”) characterizes the respect that a child, originally a son, should show to his parents. This relationship was extended by analogy to a series of five relationships :
1. Ruler to Subject
2. Father to Son
3. Husband to Wife
4. Elder Brother to Younger Brother
5. Friend to Friend (the participants in this relationship being equal to one another)
Although Christianity mostly known enter Korean soil in 1794, a decade after the return of a Korean diplomat Yi Gwang-Jeong from his visit to Beijing, actually the first Korean Christian is a Korean girl who later known as Julia Ota-a. She was taken by Konishi Yukinaga, who was one of the commanders of the Japanese invasions of Korea in the 1590s. A decade later, however, Yi Gwang-Jeong returned from Beijing carrying the world atlas and several theological books written by Matteo Ricci –a Jesuit missionary in China-. Before 1948 Pyongyang was an important Christian centre. Since Confucian influence in Northern part of Korea was not as strong in Southern part. But when communism regime establishment started in north, the Christians had to flee across the border or faced persecution.
How Christianity helps democracy in Korea
Generally, Christianity gives a positive impact in Korea growing phases. Social changing, economic success and even contributed in Korea independence from Japan colonialism. One of the most important factors why Christianity widely accepted by most of the Koreans was the identification that many Christians forged with the cause of Korean Nationalism during the Japanese Colonialism in 1905 to 1945. Moreover, many Korean Christians believe that their values have had a significant positive effect on various social relationships. Traditional Korean society was hierarchically arranged according to Confucian principles under the semi-divine emperor. Like a women social status lay under the men. Christian values also favoured the social emancipation of women and children. The church permitted the remarriage of widows (not traditionally allowed in East Asian societies). These changes were judged as favourable by many Koreans, who associated them with Christianity, and many became Christians as a result.
Are Koreans open minded with a new religion? Does harmony help the believes grow?
In my opinion Koreans are not as open minded as the Europeans. There were some historical fact that support this opinion. Ch’ondogyo, generally regarded as the first of Korea’s “new religions,” is another important religious tradition. It is a synthesis of Confucian, Buddhist, shamanistic, Daoist, and Catholic influences. established by Choe Je-u, a man of Yang-ban background who claimed to have experienced a mystic encounter with God, who told him to preach to all the world. Ch’oe was executed by the government as a heretic in 1863, but not before he had acquired a number of followers and had committed his ideas to writing. Same things was happened when the first coming of Christianity. Persecution has been shown historically to strengthen the faith of believers and increase the influence of the church. Many were martyred, the most famous was Andrew Kim Taegon who was the first Korean-born Roman Catholic Church priest, who was beheaded in 1846 at the age of 25 for his practice of a foreign religion. It is not strange, since the deeply-rooted traditional religions of Shamanism, Buddhism and Confucianism held strong for many centuries, and Christianity was challenge in such a meaningful way. Even though today Koreans as not extreme as in the past times, a new religion is not easily acceptable. They do understand that nowadays there are foreigners and live among the diversity. But they don’t directly accept such a new thing.
Korea and Indonesia general outlook depend on religion view
Korea in case that traditional religions such as Shamanism, Buddhism and Confucianism was strongly held by the peoples. However, until today the old religions essence still influence various live aspect. Shamanism and Confucianism are the vigorous one. Buddhism is inclining to the red thread for shamanism and Confucianism. Because of the strong power of the two above, even though modern people hold a modern religion like Christianity, practically the still do the old religion ritual. This is what called syncretism. It can be seen in cultural spot. Culturally, the arts still maintain major traditions: Korean pottery, Korean tea ceremony, Korean gardens, Korean flower arrangement which following the Confucian aesthetics. Also in numerous ceremonies that should be held along one’s life. The most important ceremonies of Korean Confucianism were those that celebrated the coming of age, marriage, death, as well as the anniversary of the death of the ancestors. Funerals had the greatest impact on the lives of ordinary people. Although Confucianism is no longer the ruling ideology, its influence on the contemporary Korean society is not difficult to find. Bowing twice in front of the portrait of someone dying is one of the Confucian thought.
Indonesia, a bit similar but different with the Korea. Indonesian also have the syncretisation. Javanese life is the easiest one to find. Most Javanese hold Islam as major religion, but still the old fashioned ceremonies should be held for the good opportunity and fortune coming. Indonesian also belief on spirits and magic and absence world. And dukun –the same position as mudang is exist too- still trusted by some people. But the difference is, since Indonesia major religion is Islam, sometime the government law was combined with Islam law. Actually Indonesia accept 5 different religion, but Islam rules are generated to public ruling. In example the alcohol drink should not sold freely, just because Muslims don’t drink alcohol. In general Indonesian life concept are based on Islam and eastern culture view. Respect to the older are important, but today it almost fade. It means, today that stuff is not as strong as the Korean do.
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